inventory management for schools inventory management for schools
Parts Inventory Simplified

Popular Features

Track part details including manufacturers, models, price, and vendor information.

Utilize site-based inventories to manage parts for specific schools or sites.

View part activities such as additions, subtractions, and transfers.

Place and fulfill orders for parts including detailed vendor information.

Add parts used for device repairs to a specific help desk ticket.
Simplify Device Repairs Using an Integrated System

All together now
Centralize your school system’s parts management inventory in a single system.
In the know
Understand the number of parts being utilized at a school-based level.
Stay alert
Receive alerts when individual parts drop below minimum quantity thresholds.
It's in the details
In stock
Order required parts and easily track full or partial shipments.
Known associates

Everything Your Need in a Single Software
Learn how One to One Plus’ integration can benefit you and your team.
Asset Management
Stay on top of your school’s technology.
Help Desk
Resolve help desk tickets faster.
Students, Staff, and Locations
Manage your user and location data.
Mobile App
Anytime, anywhere access.
Productivity Tools
Become more efficient and effective.
Connect your existing systems.
Experience the Power of One to One Plus
Learn how the One to One Plus software can help you and your team.

Custom Demo
Let our K-12 professionals show you how our software can meet your school system’s specific needs.

Demo on Demand
Get access to our library of short videos to take a self-guided tour of features most important to you.

Request Pricing
Our team will put together a custom price estimate based on your school system’s needs.
Got Parts Management Questions?
Let us answer some of the most often asked questions